Yeay! Finally... My holiday is over :( It's been a week since the school starts. My tutor group is reshuffled so now i have to adapt and suit my self here. I didn't think i would be the chief of the first case. It's kinda shocking because the case is not really clear. Nah, it doesn't matter now.
So, talking about BOLT, it is a program from PH Kema FK Unpad for the freshmen who's going to be an organisator. Basic Organization and Leadership Training. It feels like we're forced to come here at first, but i think there's nothing to lose. It's really worthwhile coming here.
In the first session the speaker is Rezka Dwi Fathana from 2014. It's really boring seeing him again and again. Hahaha it's okay though, we talked about organization. What organization is, how important organization is, why we should take part in organization, and even Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
So when there are two people or more and then do the teamwowk for their common vision, build a relation and hierarchy, it is an organization. After that we talk about why we should take part in organization, because many people can success even they just study. Actually, i've been thinking about this for so long, but let's talk about Maslow's hierarchy of needs first.

This is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's not my first time seeing this. I know it from Kang Dito, his explanation is really clear that i understand it until now. So, there's physical needs at the bottom, many people do something because of this. For example, some people do demonstration because they would get free meals. The next is safety and security. Now let see, if you ever seen bullying scene (real one or maybe from tv show), some people do nothing even if they see someone being bullied, because they want to be save. If they do something, they will be the one who's being bullied. And then love and belonging, when you feel that you belongs there and loved. If you do something because of you feel respected, that's self-esteem. The last is when you find that you're accepted by society as "something", self-actualization. The top of the Maslow's hierarchy.
So why did you join an organization? Physical needs? Safety and security? Love and belonging? Self-esteem? Or self actualization? What i belief is that by joining an organization, we can get an experience, learn and train our soft skill, and the most important is self actualization by bringing most benefit to the rest of mankind.
The next is structure of organization, GBHO, RPO, and AD/ART. So an organization needs a leader, secretary, subunit, and supporting system (if needed).The structure, GBHO, and RPO then build AD/ART.
And the last is the 3 C of success by John C. Maxwell. Competence, Connection, and Character. Then, there's another reason to join organization. It is because of population boom and ..... well i forgot to write them ._.
Wait for the part 2 okay? I'm going to complete this post later, because now is the time for BOLT Day #2 ! See ya!